The tale of an Englishwoman with Multiple Sclerosis

She has Multiple Sclerosis. and this is her story. There are around 50,000 of them using herbal cannabis in Britain. It's a far safer and more effective alternative to Big Pharma medicine such as Marinol and even Sativex.He dues not know what happened last night.  Yesterday morning, I mentioned to Trevor that I had to watch Our Drugs War on Channel 4. Three hours before the show I reminded myself again but by 7pm this information had slipped through a Myelin Crack in my brain. 

The memory is there but it's frequently hard to access. My department of "Information Retrieval" no longer functions as it did. You have no choice but to develop a bizarre sense of humour and it must be like parenthood in that respect. I feel like I'm carrying a heavy weight on my left side together with the usual raw aching. My health has to remain my first priority and I do sometimes think I guard it with an almost maternal instinct. Without your health, you have nothing. You'd just die if anything bad happened to it. 

Oh, I've thought of a BIG difference actually, you had 9 months warning. Maybe some midwife support? When you're ill, your often up sh*t creek without any backup suddenly and quite brutally. It truly does suck!

My train of thought may veer off from time to time, if it hasn't already. I've been experimenting with cannabinoid ratios with spectacular results. I'll get into this subject shortly as, for some reason, I feel the need to discus Our Drugs War first. I always go with my gut when I'm high. I'm having a damn fine creative high right now that I'm thoroughly enjoying. 

How long will we be watching programs like Our Drugs War before we do something about it? World leaders fully understand that prohibition is causing the harm and still many seem to do nothing about it. Look on the bright side and be glad Britain sees fit not to hang us. I feel Humans are not as advanced as we like to think we are.

How long were people in Britain campaigning to end slavery? Win votes for women? Gay rights? These things took a very long time in comparison so I don't think 40 odd years is much of a raw deal to get in history. Despite the horrific death toll and incarcerations, politicians are probably sitting up and paying attention at about the time they were going to. Things happen when they are good and ready. It's like watching a plane crash in slow motion. There isn't much the average person can do and it's very frustrating!

Like the information falling through my Myelin Crack, politicians have an amazing ability to conveniently forget a surprising amount of stuff. As a result, political change happens at a painfully slow pace. It must make the job easier or something. Sometimes it's like waiting for the next Ice Age. Onwards humans! You hedonistic, perfect examples of your species, who think too much of hanging onto the status quo comfort zone to move ahead. We are supposed to be getting more intelligent though so there's hope. Hang onto that.

I felt amazing when I woke this morning as I've been ingesting a nightly dose of vaporised cannabis with stunning results. I was impressed with my strength and balance but the winner effects were spasticity and pain being turned down almost to zero. Seeing as I'm my own science experiment, I took the dogs out for a walk in the corn fields. I wanted to see if I could keep the pain away by giving myself small doses of vaporised cannabis. Taking too much at once can often leave you wanting to sleep. I've done enough of that. I'll be referring to vaporised cannabis as v.c. from now on. Such a drag to type.

Every 10 minutes or so the pain began to peak so I took a pinch or two of v.c. and this left me high yet able to move freely and without pain. Ideally, a person would need a pocket full of capsules containing this stuff. Perhaps a project for the future? We'll see but first I need to get rid of the 'walk tall like John Wayne' stance I seem to be adopting. Many muscles have not stretched out for a while and are clearly enjoying it.

I've been quite high for a while now. The low THC mix of cannabinoids is the cause and I'm not sure but it may be making me a bit paranoid. I'm aware this can be the effect of cannabis and/or Multiple Sclerosis and have a range of simple techniques to overcome it. The favourite is "pull yourself together Sarah" and that usually does the trick or eating chocolate. Nothing even bordering on rocket science here.  by  Sarah Martin a very brave lady 

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